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What is moozoom?

Some Clarifications for Common Understanding

moozoom is a student well-being education platform.

To achieve our goal, various means are implemented to teach students strategies and processes useful in supporting the emotional, social, and psychological aspects of their well-being.

All our themes are based on scientific knowledge in psychology, education, and child development. Several experts validate the content, including child development psychologists, experts in social and emotional skills, teachers and school counselors.

The primary teaching strategy favored by our platform is the modeling of positive behaviors and well-being processes. To do this, we have a plethora of videos in a Netflix-style format where positive behaviors, strategies, processes and communication methods are presented by actors of the students' age.

To reinforce learning from the videos, we offer additional individual or teacher-guided activities that allow students to connect with their experiences and practice the presented strategies. For example, a quiz serves to check for student’s understanding of the essential elements of the video. Group discussions help clarify their understanding of the theme and how it manifests in their experiences. Discussions also allow reflections and a critical look at the proposed strategies. Role-playing provides the opportunity to put the strategies into practice through realistic scenarios.

The videos and activities offered on moozoomapp.com align well with a Multi-Tier Support System (MTSS). While all lessons are designed for whole class activities (Tier 1 of MTSS), these lessons can easily be adapted for small group work (Tier 2) or individual work (Tier 3). In short, moozoom supports all tiers of intervention.

In addition to all the group activities, some individual activities are proposed. For example, a customizable reflective journal prompts students to think further about the theme and the strategies and processes presented in the videos. Also, by connecting to their student profile, a student can identify their daily emotional state, and advice is provided to help manage unpleasant emotions. The teacher is also notified of these emotions so that they can support a student in their emotional self-management.

Furthermore, the videos and activities assigned to the student can also be viewed at home to provide consistency in interventions between school and family. Resources are also offered to parents for this purpose.

While the moozoom platform can be implemented in a classroom, we strongly recommend that it be used as a school-wide resource. Such implementation allows school staff (administrators, educators,, support staff, etc.), students, and families to have a common vocabulary and a consistent approach in their interactions with students.

To support schools in implementation, we have a dedicated team assisting administrators and teachers. Through meetings, action plans developed with schools to address needs, instant messaging to resolve immediate issues, and a well-stocked help center, we are confident that our impact will be realized in the short, medium, and long term.