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On the path of simplified SEL: How to successfully implement moozoom in my school

What are the key factors for the successful implementation of moozoom?

We have seen that social and emotional learning is most successfully implemented in schools when applied universally across the entire school and integrated systematically into the cultural, educational, and family environments. Below are a few suggestions in order for a successful implementation of moozoom at your school! 

  1. Create a moozoom committee. We recommend a committee of one teacher, one administrator, and one counselor. The admin team member will make it possible to give directives to the school team to ensure teachers are utilizing moozoom. The teacher can help their colleagues if they encounter difficulties or are reluctant to get started, being in similar roles. Teachers tend to be less resistant when it comes from a direct colleague. The third member can act as a bridge between teachers and administration. Specifically, counselors will also be able to use moozoom in their interventions, reference the activities completed with students and follow in real-time activities carried out in class and at home.
  2. Come up with your “game plan.” We recommend that you choose the themes that will be required (ideally between three to five) for the school year and which will be completed during the same time for everyone in the school to reinforce the same SEL techniques and create a common language. For the rest of the themes, each teacher has the autonomy to choose which may be most appropriate for their class. 
  3. Presentation/School-Wide Meeting: Our customer success team is here to ensure everyone school-wide feels confident navigating the platform. We will facilitate a professional development session focused on explaining the components of moozoom, so each teacher walks away feeling confident and ready to implement moozoom!
  4. Suggest a start-up activity: Teachers are then challenged to initiate an activity on a pre-chosen theme with a clear deadline. This will establish an expectation of using the platform and ensure that the school operates as a unit. 
  5. Get parents involved! Send the introduction letter home to parents and the theme-specific letters. Both are available for printing, and this encourages parental involvement and allows for continuity in social-emotional learning at home as well. 
  6. Stay on track. We recommend holding designated moozoom meetings to check in with teachers and other staff members!