1. Help Center
  2. Teaching with moozoom

The Teacher's Role

Students can use moozoom independently, but having a responsible adult available is an added bonus.

  • Do not force students to participate or share their opinions if they do not want to. To benefit from moozoom, students must be willing to participate in the activities. If you're using moozoom in the classroom, do not force a student to share their opinion with the rest of the class or to talk about things they've experienced. Students who do not wish to participate should be invited to observe the rest of the class. 
  • Try not to judge your student's thoughts and behaviors. Encourage discussions by asking your students open-ended questions. Criticism and blame can harm a child's self-esteem and lead to a loss of interest in the activity. 
  • Adopt a positive attitude. Each little bit of progress deserves to be celebrated, and by celebrating the little "victories," you'll be helping to improve your students' sense of competency. It helps them to realize that they have the power to manage their emotions and interpersonal relationships.
  • Your interactions with students should be aimed at encouraging thought and discussion. Moozoom is a self-learning platform where each child progresses at their own pace. The teacher's role is to accompany students on their journey. 
  • Activities can be completed individually or in groups. Depending on the activity, you might want to create subgroups or work as one large group. 
  • Help your student build on what they have learned. Consult the Keys to Action resource available in the Help Center toolbox to find inspiration for activities and exercises that can help your students build on what they have learned from moozoom. 
  • Encourage practice. To help your students integrate what they learn from moozoom, we recommend that you encourage them to put their new skills into practice. Try and excite them to use their new skills in the classroom, during recess, and at home. 
  • If one of your students becomes very emotional or upset during an activity, consider referring the student for support. If one of your students seems to be in great distress, try to prevent an emotional outburst that could upset your other students. If you see that a student is in distress, respond quickly and tell them that what they are feeling/saying is very important but that you would prefer to talk to them in private. 
    • Meet with the child privately and validate their feelings of distress. Be sure to contact their parents about what happened and ask their permission to refer the child for additional support. 
  • If students are working in a small group, make sure they are working with another child they either get along with well or trust. It's vital that you know the dynamic of the small group before starting a moozoom activity. If a student is paired with someone they don't trust, they won't want to share their opinions or feelings. 
  • If students are working in a large group, ensure an atmosphere conducive to respect and trust before starting an activity. Explain to your class that moozoom isn't a competition or contest and that everyone can share their opinion. There are no right or wrong answers.