What is Mini-Zoom?


Developed for younger learners, this level is recommended for preschool, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and first-grade students. All content (videos, content, and supplemental materials) is specially designed and adapted for students at this developmental stage. Mini-Zoom utilizes a unique structure and layout compared to our Beginner and Advanced content levels. The Emotion Recognition section features fifteen short, interactive capsules and two different types of review activities designed to support students develop social-emotional language and recognize emotions while also practicing their fine motor skills. 


There are five interactive videos available on the themes of respect, friendship, taking ‘no’ for an answer, sharing, and conflict. Each video follows the outline below

  1. Initial scenario presents an issue between two characters;
  2. Insight into the mind of each character, helping students to understand each character’s  point of view and emotions; 
  3. Conclusion with strategies along with three interactive questions to encourage discussion and reflection. 
  4. Each video is also accompanied by a cheat sheet of the strategies shown in the video 

Games: There are five interactive games, each containing three short videos in which the character describes a real-life experience and physical signs and sensations they are feeling to help students recognize the emotion and select the correct response. 

Emotiometer: Contains five printable worksheets to help students develop vocabulary associated with anger, disgust, happiness, fear, and sadness. Students will also learn that within each emotion, that are various levels. 

Seek and Find: Includes five printable worksheets containing different visuals. Students circle the picture with the specified emotion. Then, they are asked to draw something that makes them feel that emotion. 

Mini-Zoom Tips & Tricks: 

  1. It is best practice to begin with, the Emotion Recognition section to help students develop vocabulary associated with each emotion. This will help students become more receptive to the strategies seen later in the interactive videos. 
  2. Mini-Zoom videos are designed to be viewed as a group. However, teachers always know what’s best for their students and can adapt their approach as needed.
  3. The review activities are designed for students to complete independently as a way to check for understanding.